Four new "rapier wielding" shark species have b een found by researchers in the California Academy of Sciences. In a 1600 foot deep trawl of Mozambique, an African Dwarf Sawshark was accidentally captured. This animal is only the seventh species of sawshark we know of. The shark has a long tooth-studded snout for which it uses as a sword. The predator uses its snout by whipping it through schools of fish, which it then eats the injured fish. Another shark discovered was a species of Angel Shark. It was called
Squatina caillieti. It was found in a 1200 foot deep water of the islan of Luzon. Luzon is an island part of the Phillipenes. The Angel Shark has big pectoral fins that resemble wings, and it lies in the sand and waits for prey to pass by. When it comes, it strikes like a ray. The other two sharks are species of Lanternshark. They were found in Taiwan and South Africa. More than 100 sharks have been found this year. New discoveries are yet to be found.
African Dwarf Sawshark |
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that shark looks cool